Almost everyone has experienced trauma at some point in their lives, but some people struggle to adjust and require assistance in processing and coping. Opening up to your therapist...
Insomnia is the most frequent sleep disorder that can make it difficult to fall asleep or keep awake. It can also lead to waking up too early, making it...
If you decide to seek recovery for a substance use disorder, you may be required to undergo a drug abuse evaluation. You might be wondering what is a substance...
Alcohol and drug abuse can split families apart and turn loving and successful people into desperate, lonely shadows of their former selves. Despite the devastating impact, there is a...
Anxiety symptoms frequently include shortness of breath. In this post, we will look at the relationship between anxiety and shortness of breath. We’ll also look into other possible causes...
Living with depression means it impacts your daily life activities. Likewise, continuously facing depression may lead to disability. Depression is a mood disorder that gets worse over time, and...
A mood disorder is a mental health condition that mainly influences your emotional state. It’s a disorder in which you observe long periods of utmost happiness, severe depression, or...
Chronic illness is a long-lasting disease that carries on with the patient, often for a year or more. You may also require constant medical care and challenges doing the...
Can Isolation Cause Agoraphobia? People dealing with agoraphobia have a harrowing experience because it keeps them trapped in isolation. Agoraphobia is not just being scared of open spaces; it’s...
Agoraphobia refers to a form of anxiety disorder that causes intense fear. It often leads to avoiding specific places or circumstances- significantly impacting daily life. Seeking help for treating...